Photo by Gabriela Insuratelu
In a June 6 "Bad Astronomy," Phil Plait wrote that the European spaceport was in New Guinea. It is in French Guiana.
In a June 6 "Movies," Dana Stevens misspelled Alexis Denisof's last name.
In a June 6 "Slatest" blog post, Josh Voorhees reported that Gov. Deval Patrick said he got drunk the night the Boston manhunt ended. Patrick says he went drinking the following night, on April 20.
In a June 6 ?Wiegel? blog post, Emma Roller misidentified the National Security Agency as the National Security Administration.
In a June 5 ?Technology,? Jordan Ellenberg originally misstated the mechanism by which Farah Jama?s DNA was used to convict him erroneously. The contamination of a testing swab happened at a rape crisis center, not the Victorian Institute for Forensic Medicine.
In a June 5 ?Weigel? blog post,? Jeremy Stahl misidentified an NBC/WSJ poll as an MSNBC poll.
In the June 4 ?Family,? Mario Vittone cited a CDC statistic in referring to the number of child drownings in which a nearby adult watches the child with no idea a drowning is occurring. According to the CDC's Division of Unintentional Injury Prevention, no CDC studies have measured the number of such occurrences. The reference has been removed.
In a June 4 ?Jurisprudence,? a photo caption supplied by Getty Images reversed the identifications of Cornelia Pillard and Patricia Millett. Millett is on the right, and Pillard is second from the left.
In a June 4 "Moneybox" blog post, the photo caption misspelled the surname of Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell.
In a June 4 ?Weigel? blog post, Emma Roller misidentified a military leader at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing who stayed to listen to a panel of sexual assault victims? advocates as Col. Jeannie M. Leavitt. The commander who stayed behind was actually 202nd Military Police Group Col. Donna W. Martin.
In a June 3 "Brow Beat" blog post, Ben Yagoda misstated the rank of fictional character Hans Schultz. He was a sergeant, not a colonel.
In a June 3 ?TV Club,? Hanna Rosin misstated the extent of Sharon Tate's pregnancy when she was murdered. She was 8 1/2 months pregnant, not 8 1/2 weeks.
In a June 3 ?Weigel? blog post, Emma Roller misspelled Neil Munro?s last name and quoted the Washington Post as saying a mental health conference "encouraged a national conversation" when it said "Obama calls for national conversation." The quote has been removed.
In a June 3 ?Weigel? blog post, Emma Roller wrote that Sen. Frank Lautenberg and former Vice President Al Gore served in the Senate together for 14 years. They served together for eight years.
In a June 3 ?XX Factor? blog post, Laura Helmuth wrote that the long coat David Tennant wore in Doctor Who was made of leather. It was made of fabric.
In a May 31 "Brow Beat" blog post, Chris Wade misspelled the first name of fictional character Jonny Quest.
In a May 31 "Slatest" blog post, Daniel Politi wrote an incomplete transcription of the first question that Fox News host Megyn Kelly asked Erick Erickson regarding his views on women in the workplace. The full question was: "What makes you dominant and me submissive and who died and made you scientist in chief?"
In a May 30 ?Hive,? Jessica Grose misstated the number of characters in Cindy Meeh?s forthcoming documentary Unbranded, when Meehl decided to make a movie, and when she moved to Connecticut.
In a May 30 ?Map of the Week,? Cameroon was mislabeled as Cape Verde and shaded according to the data for Cape Verde.
In a May 21 ?TV Club,? Hanna Rosin misspelled Edgar Allan Poe?s middle name.
Slate?strives to correct all errors of fact. If you've seen an error in our pages, let us know at?corrections@slate.com. General comments should be?posted?in our Comments sections at the bottom of each article.
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