Do you want to achieve
anything you want in your life? If YES, this can
be the most important letter you've ever read in your life...
Subliminal NLP Self-Improvement Audios Will Help You
To Overcome Your Problem
Our Neuro Linguistic Programming Audio CDs use unique advanced dual layer aural amplitude randomization methods to mask powerful positive affirmations mixed with binaural beats overlaid with the sounds of nature and soothing new age music.
The CDs will help you improve or overcome many areas in your life. Subliminal Power enables you to QUICKLY change ANY area of your life, with absolutely NO effort.
There's NO psychotherapy. NO hypnosis. NO meditation. NO reading. NO magic spells.
Subliminal messages are positive affirmations sent DIRECTLY to the subconscious mind, bypassing the more critical conscious mind. The subconscious then follows these commands to produce POWERFUL and EXCITING change - quicker than anything you've ever seen before.
"A Mastepiece NLP Audio Earthshaking Package"
Speed Reading
Your Reading Rate"
Running Time: 1 Hour 0 Minutes
Description: Speed reading is the act of quickly absorbing written information. The goal is to read quickly but still retain comprehension of the material.
The rate at which people read material is not a constant and varies greatly depending on several factors. Some material, such as school work or manuals, may require more contemplation and fewer distractions in order to process and still understand what is being conveyed.
Being able to read ten books in a single day is useless if the reader is unable to retain comprehension of the material.?
This subliminal program attempts to improve and concentrate these skills.
Be More Decisive
That All Important Decision"
Running Time: 1 Hour 0 Minutes
Description: Are you sick of people taking advantage of and treated like a doormat?
Well now you CAN do something about it!
Stop being passive and begin taking control of your life. The "Be More Decisive" audio seeks to retrain your mind to make decisions that benefit YOU.
Enjoy feeling of being in control once again, as your assertiveness increases.
Better Creative Thinking
Your Imagination Working Again"
Duration: 1 Hour 0 Minutes
Description: Everyone is creative to some extent. Most people are capable of very high levels of creativity; just look at young children when they play and imagine.
The problem is that this creativity has been suppressed by education. All you need to do is let it come back to the surface.
Take sixty minutes out to kick-start your inner idea machine. Begin churning out new and insightful ideas, thoughts and inventions that will amaze the world, with this awe-inspiring subliminal track.
You will soon discover that you are surprisingly creative.
Improved Memory
To Easily And Effortlessly Improve Your Memory"
Running Time: 1 Hour 0 Minutes
Description: You might have come across some people in your life with an exceptional memory and often might have been tempted to call such persons geniuses.
At times you may have dreamt of possessing such a a memory but simply did not make an effort assuming that a good memory is a gift of god. However these geniuses are not necessarily god gifted. In the present world even a normal person can gain a super memory with the help of easy NLP hypnosis techniques. A raised memory status enables you to face various challenges of life and perform all your tasks with ease. By easily and effortlessly helping your mind connect those useless bits of information to things you already know, you?ll find that your memory increases dramatically.
The "Improved Memory" NLP audio uses simple NLP techniques that can help you to easily achieve your desire of increasing your memory.
Improved Public Speaking
Aside Your Inherent Fear Of Speaking in Public"
Running Time: 1 Hour 0 Minutes
Description: Ever been nervous, anxious, or downright fearful when having to speak to a group?
Imagine everyone in the group is looking at you with smiling adoration. Feel that they can't wait to hear the next thing you're going to say. See them nodding approvingly and occasionally glancing at each other, astonished at the depth and breadth of your wisdom. If you do, if you tell yourself you are the best speaker this audience has ever had the good fortune to hear, you will be. And when you realize that, your fear and anxiety will - poof!- disappear.? This is just one of the NLP techniques you'll discover in "Improved Public Speaking".
These positive affirmations help you to reach the ?goal? you have set for yourself and open doors for you that would otherwise have been kept closed.
Love Your Physical Self
Changing Your Life For The Better"
Running Time: 1 Hour 0 Minutes
Description: Secretly disliking any part of your body can hold you back from so many of life's adventures. Stop worrying NOW and begin the journey into freedom. Accept what you cannot change and move forward once and for all, with this amazing new subliminal recording.?
Our overall self-esteem is more closely related to the way we see ourselves than it is to the way others see us. How we see ourselves is important to our physical and emotional health. Our most fundamental sense of ourselves is as a body; therefore, our body image is closely related to our sense of overall worthiness.
Our self-destructive behaviors may begin with thoughts such as "I'm too heavy" or "My nose is too long." But such thoughts can be changed. We can exercise our imagination to begin to change the way we see ourselves. Because body images reside in the mind, our goal is to teach our minds to be our allies rather than our enemies.
This powerful CD is set to do just that.?
Try These Audios Risk-Free For 60 Days!
There's no need to make up your mind right now.
Get your copy of these audios!
Read it.
Unlock your true potential right away!
I don't want you to take any risk at all in ordering these audios. So here's what I'm willing to do: you get the audios, and put me to the test for EIGHT WEEKS.
If at the end of the 60 days you don't feel amazed, dazzled, and delighted with all the success you're having...
Simply ask for a refund.
I'll give you 100% of your money back. No hassle. No
Don't forget - you have up to 2 whole months to decide?...?
For that matter, you get to keep everything (how could I make you "un-download" your audios, even if I wanted to?).
If you were less than honest, you could download you audios and easily rip me off.?
But I'm placing my faith in you, I trust you won't do
such a thing!
Claim Your Copy of A Mastepiece NLP Audio Earthshaking Package by Clicking Here
Get "A Mastepiece NLP Audio Earthshaking Package" For Only $17 YES Terry, I want in! Please let me be capable to read few books a day with full comprehension, be more decisive, discover power of a creative thinking, improve memory, public speaking and start to love myself and my physical self! I will get 6 hours of scientifically created subliminal audios with positive affirmations that will improve every aspect of my life! This is a risk-free offer with rock-solid 60 days unconditional guarantee, I have nothing to lose. Have your credit card handy and click the happy orange button below. |
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